Honouring A Brand-New Day
Welcome to my blog: A Brand-New Day. 🎉
The name has a very special meaning to me. If you are anything like me and building every piece of your life brick by brick, then the strength that got you where you are today may also come with some form of resistance to change.
While changes that the life throws at us are usually unexpected, I am also realising that even after the most earth-shattering change, in the end I always find myself under the bright sky and in the midst of a calm blue ocean, where everything makes sense after all and all my worries seem so small in the vastness of possibilities.
What it took to get to this point of peace and acceptance was losing who I was along the way and rediscovering who I wanted to be: Leaning into the brand-new day and welcoming all the changes it brings.
And now I cannot imagine another moment without change and I feel ready to embark on a completely new path. Every. Single. Day.
So this blog is about this new journey I will be on, what I am building and how I am leading my life. For every day is full of new opportunities and every challenge opens up new paths.