
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, food and life. Hope you enjoy your reading!

Hello 2021!

Hello 2021!

And hello to you all!

A new year has started and it has been almost 2 years since I launched Lost & Found Memories, but I realised I have never introduced myself here properly. So an introduction (and a re-introduction to LFM) is in order.

I am Gizem and I created Lost & Found Memories to honour the serendipity of life. I am a London based blogger. I specialise in growth strategies of start-ups at work. And for the rest of my life I focus on my passion for travelling, finding peace and happiness, conscious living, eating well, reading, dancing, and growing in every experience!

In 2019, I had a moment of realisation in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. I realised how I built chains for myself and how far I was from the person I wanted to be. I knew I had to let go of the things that drained me and slowed me down, including my job and even some friendships.

Fast forward to today, I am now living in congruence with the person I desire to be. I am feeling happy and confident. Every moment of my life is dedicated to things that help me grow and feel alive. I focus on my life with the support of great coaches, who push me to be my higher self in every possible way. I am no longer afraid to build my own business (even during these difficult times). I also feel that my heart is finally open again to possibilities.

2020 was definitely the year of Lost & Found Memories. Our plans, ambitions, desires were put on hold by an invisible threat. Businesses struggled, people lost their jobs, relationships were tested. We all had to let go of many valuable things and make the most of our days with what we already had.

Will 2021 be significantly different? Only time will tell. But I strongly believe that we all can create a great year if we keep the biggest learning of 2020 in our minds: “Do the hard work, but surrender to the outcome.”

In 2021, LFM will be the voice of hope and the constant reminder to create joy through the ashes of our old lives that no longer serve us. It is all about letting go and keeping an open heart.

Now that you know a bit about me and Lost & Found Memories, I’d love to know more about you. Share your story and how you built resilience in 2020 below!

The Value of Human Connection

The Value of Human Connection